Staff members

Alejandro Amezcua

Big Boat Team Coach – Third season Instructor at HYC.

Wyatt Bischoff

Racing Coach – Third season Instructor at HYC.

Fae Campbell

Sailing Instructor – Second season Instructor at HYC.

June Roe

Sailing Instructor – First season Instructor at HYC.

Parker Mailloux

Sailing Instructor – First season Instructor at HYC.

Ellen O'Connel

Sailing Instructor – First season Instructor at HYC.

Sean Broder

Admin – First season Administrator at HYC.

Dylan Blaschuk

Junior Instructor – Second season J.I.

Lily Ferrante

Junior Instructor – First season J.I.

Iris Vogel

HYC Jr. Sailing Committee Co-Chair – and – HYC Vice Commodore

Laurent Banon

HYC Jr. Sailing Committee Co-Chair

Parker Mailloux

Sailing Instructor

I'm from New York City and grew up sailing at Larchmont Yacht Club. This is my first year as a sailing instructor at HYC, and I am super excited.  I am currently a senior at Beacon High School. My favorite type of boat is a Laser. My favorite movie is Blades of Glory, and my favorite kind of Pizza is white pizza. My favorite color is blue, and my favorite food is mozzarella sticks. I'm looking forward to having a great summer!


-- We are all excited to have Parker join us as an Instructor.