Big Boat Team Coach – Third season Instructor at HYC.
Racing Coach – Third season Instructor at HYC.
Sailing Instructor – Second season Instructor at HYC.
Sailing Instructor – First season Instructor at HYC.
Sailing Instructor – First season Instructor at HYC.
Sailing Instructor – First season Instructor at HYC.
Admin – First season Administrator at HYC.
Junior Instructor – Second season J.I.
Junior Instructor – First season J.I.
HYC Jr. Sailing Committee Co-Chair – and – HYC Vice Commodore
HYC Jr. Sailing Committee Co-Chair
I started to sail when I was twelve in Brittany, France. At fifteen, I began competing in many international regattas and had the chance to be part of the worldwide skipper ranking. To list a few of them, the sailing Tour de France, Melges 24 world championship, and Spi Ouest France.
Besides the competitiveness of the sport, sailing is, for me, an opportunity to admire nature and the ocean! Of course, sharing this passion and the values of this sport with our kids is also very important!
We are excited to have Laurent as one of the Co-Chairs of the HYC Junior Sailing Program.
Jr Sailing Parents and Sailors
HYC Jr Sailing Committee appreciates all the hard work and perseverance of the sailors, parents, and coaches through the Summer of 2024; This Summer we hope to "accentuate the positive, eliminate the negative, latch on to the affirmative, spread joy up to the maximum, and bring gloom down to the minimum." -- same as last year ????
The first Open House for registration will be Sunday, January 26th, 2025, from 1 pm to 4 pm. Super Earlybird will be discounts for all who register by Monday.
The second Open House for registration will be Sunday, March 2nd, 2025, from 1 pm to 4 pm. Earlybird discounts for all who register by Monday..
We look forward to seeing you all again this Summer.
Safe Sailing,
HYC Jr. Sail Committee