Big Boat Team Coach – Third season Instructor at HYC.
Racing Coach – Third season Instructor at HYC.
Sailing Instructor – Second season Instructor at HYC.
Sailing Instructor – First season Instructor at HYC.
Sailing Instructor – First season Instructor at HYC.
Sailing Instructor – First season Instructor at HYC.
Admin – First season Administrator at HYC.
Junior Instructor – Second season J.I.
Junior Instructor – First season J.I.
HYC Jr. Sailing Committee Co-Chair – and – HYC Vice Commodore
HYC Jr. Sailing Committee Co-Chair
We are excited to have Dylan return this year as a Junior Instructor.
Jr Sailing Parents and Sailors
HYC Jr Sailing Committee appreciates all the hard work and perseverance of the sailors, parents, and coaches through the Summer of 2024; This Summer we hope to "accentuate the positive, eliminate the negative, latch on to the affirmative, spread joy up to the maximum, and bring gloom down to the minimum." -- same as last year ????
The first Open House for registration will be Sunday, January 26th, 2025, from 1 pm to 4 pm. Super Earlybird will be discounts for all who register by Monday.
The second Open House for registration will be Sunday, March 2nd, 2025, from 1 pm to 4 pm. Earlybird discounts for all who register by Monday..
We look forward to seeing you all again this Summer.
Safe Sailing,
HYC Jr. Sail Committee