Tina Doufekias Junior Sailing Scholarship

Aug 3, 2020 -- Posted by : Bill

image.pngThis Scholarship honors Tina Doufekias, long standing Huguenot Yacht Club Member.  

Tina Doufekias was a talented sailor as well as a dedicated educator. She inspired generations of young students to be inquisitive, to love learning, and to be kind and generous.

Tina was also an inspiration to her wide circle of friends and always encouraged the women she knew to acknowledge their talents and enjoy their successes.

Tina's passion for life and beauty was reflected in the joy she brought to everything she did, including her love of sailing.

It is because of Tina's dedication to our children and her strong desire that every child is allowed to expand their horizons that her family and friends established this scholarship to continue to play a part by giving opportunities for young Junior Sailors.


2021 Tina Doufekias Junior Sailing Scholarship Auction

Huguenot Yacht Club Junior Sailing
The Tina Doufekias Scholarship Program

HYC Jr Sail Logo.png

1 Introduction
The mission statement of the Huguenot Yacht Club (HYC) is:
Promote proficiency in the management of Boats, Seamanship, and Sociability.'
Competitive sailing teaches self-confidence, decision-making, teamwork, sportsmanship, tactical thinking, organization, and sometimes humility. Sailors at any age never stop learning.
The Tina Doufekias Junior Sailing Scholarship Program is designed to provide financial assistance enabling children within our community the opportunity to participate who would not otherwise be able to enroll and participate due to financial need or hardship. Tina Doufekias was a valued member of the Huguenot Yacht Club family. She was also a talented and dedicated educator, inspiring generations of young students to be inquisitive and to love learning. Kind and generous, Tina was also an inspiration to her wide circle of friends and always encouraged those she knew to acknowledge their talents and enjoy their successes. Tina's passion for life and beauty was reflected in the joy she brought to everything she did, including her love of sailing.
It is because of her dedication to our children and her strong desire that every child is allowed to expand their horizons that this philanthropic gift is offered .
2 Eligibility Requirements
The identification, evaluation , and selection of candidates, as well as all disbursements of funds from the program, will be supervised by the named Program Stewards, the Commodore, and the Chairpersons of the Regatta and Junior Sailing Committees.
• Must be between 8 and 11 years of age
• Must demonstrate in a way satisfactory to the Program Stewards their interest in and aptitude for sailing
• Must commit to full participation for the length of the awarded session
• Must commit to adherence to the program code of conduct
• Must demonstrate satisfactory swimming skills.
• Must provide such information (academic record, references, applications, etc.) as requested and make themselves available for interviews
• Must demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Program Stewards that the award request is based on financial need or hardship
• Provide their sailors' transportation to and from HYC and must conform to allocated hours of availability
• Participate in the program orientation held in early June.
• Complete your child's enrollment and waiver in accordance with the Junior Sailing Association of Long Island Sound (JSA LIS). ($100 fee may be reimbursed to the parent/guardian)
• Provide your child with program approved life jacket {estimate $60 cost may be reimbursed to the parent/guardian)
3 Timelines
Interviews will begin in January, and Scholarships will be awarded by April 1st 
Scholarship recipients will be enrolled in the Intro to Sailing course scheduled typically for the last week of June or the first week of July. This course is designed to give the newest sailors in our program an introduction to the Long Island Sound and sailing.
Awards may be for the first or second sessions of the program, or both, in all cases subject to capacity management requirements of the program.
Beginning Optimist Classes are full-day classes, and each session runs for three weeks. The curriculum is the same for both sessions.
• Session 1 is scheduled first three weeks following Intro to Sailing
• Session 2 is scheduled next three weeks following Session 1.
4. General Information
Website: Additional information regarding the HYC Junior Sailing Program can be found at www.JuniorSailingClubhouse.com
Handbook: Upon your child's acceptance to the program, you will be provided with a detailed handbook designed to help you understand the full scope of the Junior Sailing Program. [Parent Handbook HYC Junior Sailing]
Program Hours: The program runs from 9am-4pm Monday thru Friday, except July 4th.  We will always put safety first at HYC but will not cancel for inclement weather. Instruction will continue inside if appropriate. Extended care programs are available for an additional fee. Mornings: 7:45am-9:00am / Afternoons: 4:00pm-5:15pm.  If your child requires this additional service, then you may discuss that need with the scholarship stewards
Lunch: Lunch is provided to the sailors daily.
Pool Time: Each afternoon following lunch (WEATHER PERMITTING), all sailors can participate in recreational swim time and pool activities at our on-site pool.
Events: Scholarship awards include participation at the End of Session 1 Celebration and final End of Session 2 Junior Sailing Awards Celebration.
Contact Information:
Huguenot Yacht Club, Harbor Lane West, New Rochelle NY 10805 (914) 636-6300
Commodore: Iris Vogel
Regatta Chairman: Jason Viseltear
Junior Sailing Co-Chairs:  Iris Vogel and Michael Cassidy
Scholarship Program Stewards: Mary Jane Diiorio and Loretta Oxley


More About Registration

Admission Requirements

Huguenot Yacht Club accepts children between 8 and 17 years old (A student’s age on December 31 of the current calendar year)…

Fee Schedule

Tuition for Intro to Sailing, Race Clinic, Sessions 1 and 2, charter fees and available discounts

Tina Doufekias Junior Sailing Scholarship

Information pertaining to the Tina Doufekias Junior Sailing Scholarship

Reciprocal Clubs

Not all clubs in our area offer a Junior Sailing Program for children between the ages of 8 to 17 or do so only for their…

More Details

Current Junior Sailing Summer Program Brochure / Folleto actual del programa de verano de vela juvenil

JSALIS_Marguee.pngJSA of LIS


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HYC_Burgee Marquee.pngHuguenot Yacht Club