Fee Schedule

Jan 1, 2025
Intro to Sailing (three days)
$ 500
$ 525
Race Clinic (three days)
$ 500
$ 525
One 3-Week Summer Session (either Session 1 or 2)
$ 1,625
$ 2,050
Both Summer Sessions (6 weeks)
$ 3,050
$ 3,090
Each Additional Week (one three-week session required, and space permitting), requests taken after June 1 only.
$ 550
$ 685
Boat Charter (Opti, Feva, or Laser)
$525 per sailor per session
Boat Charter (420 per sailor)
$750 per sailor per session
Boat Charter for Additional Weeks, pending availability, per week
$175 per sailor
JSA of LIS Family Membership
$100 per family
Morning Early Drop-off (7:45 am - 9:00 am) 
$175 per session / per sailor
Afternoon Late Pick-up (4:00 pm - 5:15 pm)
$175 per session / per sailor
Morning Early Drop-off or Afternoon Late Pick-up during Intro to Sailing or Racing Clinic week only
$50 per sailor
Private Boat Check-In Fee: Boats must be checked in during the week of June 26-29th or July 21st. A fee will be incurred for boats dropped off outside of those days.
Member and Non-Member
Super Early Bird Discount for signing up at January Open House or online by Jan 29th (Full tuition payment is required for discount.)
$200 for Both Sessions or $100 per Single Session
Early Bird Discount for signing up at the March Open Houses or online by March 5th (Full tuition payment is required for discount.)
$100 for Both Sessions or $50 per Single Session
Full tuition payment is required for early bird discounts.
A deposit of 50% is due at the time of registration.  
Deposits are non-refundable after May 15th. Full payment is required by June 1st.   
Credit cards accepted. 
Members must choose a Member Charge to receive a discount.    


More About Registration

Admission Requirements

Huguenot Yacht Club accepts children between 8 and 17 years old (A student’s age on December 31 of the current calendar year)…

Fee Schedule

Tuition for Intro to Sailing, Race Clinic, Sessions 1 and 2, charter fees and available discounts

Tina Doufekias Junior Sailing Scholarship

Information pertaining to the Tina Doufekias Junior Sailing Scholarship

Reciprocal Clubs

Not all clubs in our area offer a Junior Sailing Program for children between the ages of 8 to 17 or do so only for their…

More Details

Current Junior Sailing Summer Program Brochure / Folleto actual del programa de verano de vela juvenil

JSALIS_Marguee.pngJSA of LIS


RS-Feva.pngRS Feva

Laser Marquee.pngLaser

Lisot Marquee.pngLISOT

HYC Lasers Marquee.pngLaser Frostbite



ussailing_Marquee.pngUS Sailing


HYC_Burgee Marquee.pngHuguenot Yacht Club