Tuition |
Intro to Sailing (three days)
$ 500
$ 525
Race Clinic (three days)
$ 500
$ 525
One 3-Week Summer Session (either Session 1 or 2)
$ 1,625
$ 2,050
Both Summer Sessions (6 weeks)
$ 3,050
$ 3,090
Each Additional Week (one three-week session required, and space permitting), requests taken after June 1 only.
$ 550
$ 685
Fees |
Boat Charter (Opti, Feva, or Laser)
$525 per sailor per session
Boat Charter (420 per sailor)
$750 per sailor per session
Boat Charter for Additional Weeks, pending availability, per week
$175 per sailor
JSA of LIS Family Membership
$100 per family
Morning Early Drop-off (7:45 am - 9:00 am)
$175 per session / per sailor
Afternoon Late Pick-up (4:00 pm - 5:15 pm)
$175 per session / per sailor
Morning Early Drop-off or Afternoon Late Pick-up during Intro to Sailing or Racing Clinic week only |
$50 per sailor
Private Boat Check-In Fee: Boats must be checked in during the week of June 26-29th or July 21st. A fee will be incurred for boats dropped off outside of those days.
Member and Non-Member
Super Early Bird Discount for signing up at January Open House or online by Jan 29th (Full tuition payment is required for discount.)
$200 for Both Sessions or $100 per Single Session
Early Bird Discount for signing up at the March Open Houses or online by March 5th (Full tuition payment is required for discount.)
$100 for Both Sessions or $50 per Single Session
PAYMENT TERMS: Full tuition payment is required for early bird discounts. A deposit of 50% is due at the time of registration. Deposits are non-refundable after May 15th. Full payment is required by June 1st. Credit cards accepted. Members must choose a Member Charge to receive a discount. |
Huguenot Yacht Club accepts children between 8 and 17 years old (A student’s age on December 31 of the current calendar year)…
Tuition for Intro to Sailing, Race Clinic, Sessions 1 and 2, charter fees and available discounts
Information pertaining to the Tina Doufekias Junior Sailing Scholarship
Not all clubs in our area offer a Junior Sailing Program for children between the ages of 8 to 17 or do so only for their…
Current Junior Sailing Summer Program Brochure / Folleto actual del programa de verano de vela juvenil
Jr Sailing Parents and Sailors
HYC Jr Sailing Committee appreciates all the hard work and perseverance of the sailors, parents, and coaches through the Summer of 2024; This Summer we hope to "accentuate the positive, eliminate the negative, latch on to the affirmative, spread joy up to the maximum, and bring gloom down to the minimum." -- same as last year ????
The first Open House for registration will be Sunday, January 26th, 2025, from 1 pm to 4 pm. Super Earlybird will be discounts for all who register by Monday.
The second Open House for registration will be Sunday, March 2nd, 2025, from 1 pm to 4 pm. Earlybird discounts for all who register by Monday..
We look forward to seeing you all again this Summer.
Safe Sailing,
HYC Jr. Sail Committee