every day finding friends | sailing | satisfying lunches enjoyed at our picnic table area | swimming | getting wet | capsizing | having fun | Wedge Thursday | Pizza Friday | ice cream truck at 4
going to regattas | making new friends | interesting field trips | playing in the park | Big Boat Day | Treasure Hunts | Whacky Wednesdays | Shark Week | Crazy Hat Day | Halloween in July | International Day | Trash Boat Day | running with a watermelon | knot tying contests | No-Wind-Day activities | end of Session Celebration | end of program Celebration and Awards
One of the club members said this of Junior Sailing: "I can always tell when the Junior Sailing Program starts: the kids show up a 9 am, they start running all over the place, they are sailing, they are swimming, they seem to be everywhere at once, it's all exhilarating... the Club feels so lonely and quiet in August when its all over."
Every week or so during the program, The Telltale is distributed to the families. It'll give you a good idea of the different activities that happen during the summer. Older copies of The Telltale can be found on the Media Page.
The mission of HYC is to promote proficiency in the management of boats, seamanship, and sociability. With this in mind, HYC…
Everyday is the same but different. What is the same? What is different?
The parent handbook contains important and helpful information, general guidelines, and rules.
HYC Junior Sailing is a small program with a high percentage of instructors to sailors. We realize each sailor is unique and…
A brief description of the boats in our program.
HYC JS is proud to offer winter storage for JS Optis or Lasers, for both members and non-members.
Jr Sailing Parents and Sailors
HYC Jr Sailing Committee appreciates all the hard work and perseverance of the sailors, parents, and coaches through the Summer of 2024; This Summer we hope to "accentuate the positive, eliminate the negative, latch on to the affirmative, spread joy up to the maximum, and bring gloom down to the minimum." -- same as last year ????
The first Open House for registration will be Sunday, January 26th, 2025, from 1 pm to 4 pm. Super Earlybird will be discounts for all who register by Monday.
The second Open House for registration will be Sunday, March 2nd, 2025, from 1 pm to 4 pm. Earlybird discounts for all who register by Monday..
We look forward to seeing you all again this Summer.
Safe Sailing,
HYC Jr. Sail Committee