Club 420

Nov 21, 2022 -- Posted by : Bill

Huguenot Yacht Club is pleased to announce that the Club 420 is back in our Junior Sailing Program.  Starting in 2023, we have two Club 420s for club charter.  



For older and more advanced sailors, we offer the Club 420 dinghy,

The Club 420 is a two-person dinghy that forms the base of many North American local, high school, and collegiate programs. Simple for beginning sailors and yet challenging enough for collegiate champions. The Club 420 offers more learning opportunities than any other double-handed boat. Over 5,000 Club 420s are sailed in youth, high school, and collegiate programs throughout the United States, Canada, Mexico, and the Caribbean.

The Club 420 is a strict one-design class with over 5000 boats currently in use in North America and is a key entry point to a lifetime sailing for many juniors. Many junior sailing programs, over 470 high school sailing programs (ISSA), and 233 collegiate sailing programs (ICSA) use the 420.

420 pic.png


Boats in Our Program

Optimist Dinghy

A more detailed description of the Opti.

RS Feva

A more detailed description of the RS Feva

Laser Radial / ILCA 6

A bit more detailed information about the Laser Radial / ILCA 6

Club 420

A bit more detailed information about the Club 420


A brief description of the Sonar in our program.

Big Boat Program

A brief description of the big boat program in our club.

JSALIS_Marguee.pngJSA of LIS


RS-Feva.pngRS Feva

Laser Marquee.pngLaser

Lisot Marquee.pngLISOT

HYC Lasers Marquee.pngLaser Frostbite



ussailing_Marquee.pngUS Sailing


HYC_Burgee Marquee.pngHuguenot Yacht Club